Koshee Logo

An Innovation Company

Our Focus

Koshee is a results-driven, technology innovation company. For many clients, innovation may stop at initial consulting in state-of-the-art technology, such as robotics and artificial intelligence. However, unlike most consultants, Koshee can quickly prototype ground-breaking technologies and is capable of creating intellectual property from advanced AI to documentation and user interfaces.

Our Subsidiaries and Products

If you have arrived at this site, you are probably familiar with existing technologies or subsidiaries of Koshee. These may include industry trend setters in safety surfacing like Pool Surface Coatings and Deckology.

If you are searching for one of our officially supported products, you may need to contact a reseller. For instance, for Koshee Protect, see MDI AI.

About Koshee

Our Name

The name Koshee is a phonetic of the last name of Augustine Louis Cauchy, a famous mathematician from the early 19th century (active in the 1800s). His work in rigorous theory behind calculus as a theoretician, physicist and practical engineer inspires us to this day.

Our Employees

We pride ourselves on having a small, focused team that can tackle even large problems in a direct, efficient manner. We hire experts and we ask a lot of them in high velocity, expert-driven timelines.

Open Positions

We generally mentor undergraduate and master students from universities such as UNLV, which is near our research facilities in Las Vegas, NV. However, in general, we hire through technical recruiters and word-of-mouth.